Monthly Archives: November 2014

Were Jews Stalin’s Willing Executioners?

Eugene Girin writes: Kevin MacDonald also demonstrates his utter ignorance of Soviet Jewish historical realities when he argues that ex-Jews like Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, and the thousands of Cheka operatives and Bolshevik party members retained their Jewish identity and “Eastern … Continue reading

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Are Jews White?

Ashkenazi Jews (about 70% of Jews worldwide) tend to look white and 95 of American Jews identify as white. Eugene Girin writes for VDARE: Another response was shock and disbelief at my mention of the Caucasian racial origin of Jews. … Continue reading

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What’s Your Backup?

A buddy tells me he’s feeling pensive. He sees time slipping by. “And I have no safety net, no backup.” Luke: “Just God.” Friend: “Yes, same as every hobo on skid row.”

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For A Jewish Conversion To Be Valid, Do You Have To Believe In Creationism?

David Kelsey comments: If the haredim believe that the only reason to convert is out of sincere belief, and if we also agree that the haredim believe that it is too easy to convert today, as witnessed by numerous attempts … Continue reading

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Race Realism & The Jews

Eugene Girin writes: The most famous and brilliant racially realist Jew in today`s America is undoubtedly Rabbi Mayer Schiller.  The author of several books on Jewish observance and theology and American conservatism, Rabbi Schiller is one of the most fascinating … Continue reading

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