Are Jews White?

Ashkenazi Jews (about 70% of Jews worldwide) tend to look white and 95 of American Jews identify as white.

Eugene Girin writes for VDARE:

Another response was shock and disbelief at my mention of the Caucasian racial origin of Jews. After all, to many Jewish liberals this is tantamount to eating pork on Yom Kippur (not that they observe it or any other Jewish holy day). I had to explain to one very Zionist acquaintance that the Jews are Semites and therefore White even though we are darker than most Europeans. (I am often mistaken for an Albanian or a Turk.)

There is something almost laughably bizarre and baffling about the way so many American Jews refuse to identify themselves as White and even deny that Jews are an ethnic group. To former Soviet Jews like myself, this is utter nonsense. To us, being Jewish is primarily an ethnic characteristic. “Jew” is what it said in the nationality line of our Soviet passports. Such great Soviet Jewish intellectuals as Boris Pasternak, Alexander Galich, and Father Alexander Men (who converted to Christianity and became a famous Russian Orthodox priest and intellectual) still retained their sense of Jewish ethnic self-identity. Father Men even kept a menorah on his desk.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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