Monthly Archives: July 2014

Most People Like It When You Have A Strong Identity

Steve Sailer writes: “From a new Pew report, “How Americans Feel about Religious Groups,” we see that Jews are the most ethnocentric religious group as measured by self-regard on a 0 to 100 scale (89). And Jews feel even colder … Continue reading

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Nardil Saves Lives

I just finished reading the 2012 biography of author David Foster Wallace. He received great help from the medication Nardil and less than a year after he went off it in 2007, he committed suicide. I was largely bedridden from … Continue reading

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Pico-Robertson 90035 Drama

UPDATE: JEWISH JOURNAL Shlomo Walt posts: There are cops all over my street and Pico Robertson blocking my way home. Grand Theft Auto suspect. All ways blocked. Man with a gun at large in the neighborhood. Be careful! A woman … Continue reading

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Another Inspiring Story About My Work Ethic

Boss: “Are you working?” Luke: “Yes.” Boss: “What are you working on?” Luke: “This protein bar.”

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Tinder Is My Favorite Dating App

To separate the wheat from the chaff on Tinder, my first question is always, “Have you read any good books lately?” So far I’ve had four interesting online conversations but no dates. I’m searching 18-40yo within ten miles. I’m not … Continue reading

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