Monthly Archives: June 2014

Aussie Rap Star Iggy Azalea

Barry emails: Have you heard about Australia’s latest pop sensation – a blonde female rapper called Iggy Azalea. Apparently she was born and raised in a tiny NSW town called Mullumbimby and at the age tender of 15 she decided … Continue reading

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Relies Are Beaut, Mate

I don’t have any relies (relatives) in America, not close ones anyway, but I have relies all over Queensland and it’s beaut, mate. I don’t often run into people in America who look like me and think like me and … Continue reading

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I Get Mail

John writes: Luke, I’m a 56 year old Texas boy goy with no religious affiiliation, I just wanted to write a few lines of encouragement – your site is thought provoking in many ways, I have a Ph,D, in Industrial … Continue reading

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Is It OK To Defraud Outsiders?

Growing up in white Australia, the idea of lying to defraud outsiders was considered a terrible thing. Now that I know more about tribal life, I see that it is frequently regarded as OK. The New York Times writes about … Continue reading

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What Do Doctor Visits Say About A Population?

I see a doctor about once every five years. So I was shocked to hear over coffee today that Australians visit a doctor an average of 11 times a year. When I Googled the matter, I found out the number … Continue reading

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