Monthly Archives: April 2014

The Shooting In Kansas City

My Jewish friend says about the shooting at the Jewish Community Center in Kansas City: “It’s an isolated incident… That’s what they said about Auschwitz. It’s a one-time thing.” Chaim Amalek: “Sometime in the late seventies the Holocaust became one … Continue reading

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Start Fighting Back!

By Robert Oscar Lopez: While the horror show involving Brendan Eich, Proposition 8, and Mozilla was reaching its ignominious crescendo, I was in Milan, Italy, speaking before an energized crowd of activists in the Lombardy region’s county hall. Unaware of … Continue reading

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Congratulations on your recent conversion to nationalism

Nationalists come in many shapes and sizes. The government of Israel is nationalist. Nazis are nationalists. People on the political right such as Republicans tend to be nationalists. People on the left tend to more ideological commitments such as socialism, … Continue reading

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Three people killed in Kansas Jewish centers day before Passover

Report: OVERLAND PARK, Kansas (Reuters) – Three people were killed Sunday afternoon at two different Jewish community facilities in a Kansas City-area suburb, and a man was in custody as authorities investigated whether or not the shootings were anti-Semitic, authorities … Continue reading

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The Adoption Of Civic Virtue

I admire the work ethic that leads latinos to rob the recycling bins we put out at night to take from that which was supposed to fund city services. Only racists want to launch an assimilation campaign urging the adoption … Continue reading

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