Start Fighting Back!

By Robert Oscar Lopez:

While the horror show involving Brendan Eich, Proposition 8, and Mozilla was reaching its ignominious crescendo, I was in Milan, Italy, speaking before an energized crowd of activists in the Lombardy region’s county hall.

Unaware of the witch hunt carried out by McCarthy’s rainbow-brandishing gay great-grandsons in Silicon Valley, a middle-aged man came forward and cried out in Italian, “Is it just me, or is the gay lobby imposing a dictatorship on us with their so-called scientific experts?”

The science to which he referred wasn’t JavaScript, but rather psychology and pediatrics. He was referring to homosexual activists’ constant invocation of research supposedly proving that kids don’t need a mom and a dad, because scientists in lab coats with horrendous conflicts of interest publish peer-reviewed papers claiming that the statistics prove that children can be removed from a parent and still be “well-adjusted.”

I asked the audience: “Enough of gays saying they feel offended all the time. How do they think I feel when they tell me, someone raised by lesbians, I don’t have a right to my father, because of experts and their supposed research?” Applause, applause. The clock struck 10:00 PM in Italy.

“They don’t want to be told whom to love. So who are they to tell children who aren’t theirs that they have to love two gay adults and can’t love a biological parent the adults cut out of their lives?”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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