Monthly Archives: December 2013

How Does The LAPD Get Away With This?

I can’t find the names of the LAPD officers who mistakenly shot two Hispanic women during the Christopher Dorner manhunt. How does the LAPD get away with not naming these guys? An LA Times reporter tells me the officers won’t … Continue reading

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Conversations With Friends

* It’s uncanny how accurately and quickly my female therapists have been able to read my mood. I’ll walk in the door and sit down and bam, they can just tell how I am. There’s something comforting and reassuring when … Continue reading

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Did Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes Really Drop Last Year, Or is Something Else Going On?

Latest hate crime stats show Jews as most victimized; details of former Israeli Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger’s alleged crimes revealed; Lihi Lapid, Israeli journalist and wife of Israel’s finance minister Lihi Lapid talks about her novel “Woman of Valor” and … Continue reading

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The Role Of Culture In IQ Differences

Socialist IQ expert James Flynn talks about living in the US next to black, Chinese and Jewish professional families. The black family (doctor and lawyer), after dinner, the kids would want to settle down to homework and the dad would … Continue reading

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Do I Fear Repercussions?

In the wake of my posts on the Rabbinical Council of California (RCC), many people, Jews and non-Jews, have asked me if I fear repercussions. The answer is no. I was reporting on a lawsuit that is in the community’s … Continue reading

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