Monthly Archives: November 2013

The Attack (2012 Movie)

Good movie, except the plot twist about a Christian Palestinian suicide bomber, of which there have been none. Only Muslim Palestinians blow themselves up. The movie says that people just snap, that’s why they blow themselves up, but why do … Continue reading

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Mary Cheney – A Spoiled Brat

In light of the Facebook war Mary Cheney has launched on her sister, I wanted to post this from the New York Post: DICK Cheney‘s daughter, Mary, acted like a diva with the Secret Service, a new book claims. According … Continue reading

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Hold-Ups In Pico-Robertson Friday Night

Mike emails: Hi Luke, Just saw your post about the hold-ups on Friday night. On Twitter, I read about the crimes as they happened. I recommend you follow these two Twitter accounts: Tweets by BHScanner Tweets by LAScanner If you … Continue reading

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Daryl Dawkins: Hoops in Black and White (A Sociological Look at USA’s 2004 Dream Team Failure)

From Fox Sports: Once the black game moved indoors and became more organized, the pressure to establish bona fides increases. If you’re not scoring beaucoup points, if your picture isn’t in the papers, if you don’t have a trophy (right … Continue reading

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What obsession or addiction have you suffered from? Addiction to sex, love and fantasy. Since the age of seven when I learned I could sit in a chair and drift off into a daydream of doing great things, going on … Continue reading

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