Monthly Archives: September 2013

I Met This Girl

In 2001, I met this Latina Jewish girl at a succah party. After some talking, I walked her to her car and made out with her. We made plans to meet the next day, a chag (holy day), for lunch … Continue reading

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The Jewish Holidays And Secure Attachment

Rosh Hashanah begins Wednesday evening. For the next three days, I’ll be off-line. I won’t be going to work. I won’t be answering my phone. I won’t be updating my blog or my Facebook. Most people who try to reach … Continue reading

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New Age Flavor Of The Month Byron Katie

Vlinden posts: After reading about Byron Katie on this board, I was interested to see her in action. Here is a link showing a session with an Israeli woman who tells Katie that she’s afraid of war. I’ve never seen … Continue reading

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Should The Husband Be In The Delivery Room?

When I was growing up, husbands stayed away from the delivery room because the blood and mess would put you off sex for life. Nowadays it seems like all the husbands I know are in the delivery room. The prospect … Continue reading

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The Rogatchover Was A Genius

I once heard historian Marc B. Shapiro say that you could fit two Einsteins into the Rogatchover. In his fifth lecture on Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor for Torah in Motion, Marc Shapiro says: Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, Herman … Continue reading

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