Monthly Archives: January 2013

Dennis Prager Returns Home

Returning home from a two week cruise, Dennis said on his show Jan. 21, 2013: “It was the first trip in my lifetime where I thought that places are doing better than America in some important arenas. It’s a sad … Continue reading

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Why Do Therapists Need To Be Licensed?

Dr. Michael J. Salomon writes: The recent conviction of an unlicensed therapist in one of our communities has led to serious soul searching on the part of some and confusion for many others. The most strident argument of his supporters … Continue reading

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An Orthodox Jew’s US Army Experience

From The Jewish Press: The call from the Department of the Army came to me on a random day in the summer of 2012, an unexpected offer to serve our country as an Army civilian. The opportunity presented to me … Continue reading

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Advice To A Young Writer

Get in a regular writing class. Find a great teacher near you and go every week. Also, get psycho-therapy and tape-record your sessions and use that as writing fodder. >Is there more of a career in online writing such as … Continue reading

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Changes At LimmudLA

Email: To Our LimmudLA Community, As many of you may already know, at the end of this month, LimmudLA will transition to a completely volunteer-led organization. After five years of volunteering, and the last 18 months serving as the executive … Continue reading

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