Monthly Archives: November 2012

The CIA In Libya

Joe emails: Luke, it is time to get off your bogus sex addition, woe is me 12 step kick and start doing some g-dam investigative journalism like in the old days. This Benghazi story is the biggest foul up since … Continue reading

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The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes: The most charitable way of explaining the election results of 2012 is that Americans voted for the status quo – for the incumbent President and for a divided Congress. They must enjoy gridlock, partisanship, incompetence, economic … Continue reading

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And I Got The Blame!

A few years ago, I borrowed a FB mate’s phone to set up dinner with this very polite and proper woman. My mate was doing a lot of blow at the time and by mistake, he started texting my friend … Continue reading

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Where Were The Jews In The Mitt Romney Brain Trust?

Were there any Jews in the Mitt Romney brain trust? I don’t think so. A reason he lost. Obama’s brain trust was filled with Jews. A disproportionate number of the greatest political operatives have been Jewish, just as a disproportionate … Continue reading

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What Percentage Of Americans Dislike Muslims?

What percentage of Americans instinctively dislike and fear Muslims? My guess is about a third. I suspect it was over 50% after 9/11. I suspect a majority of Brits and Europeans dislike Muslims. Most traditional Orthodox Jews I know well … Continue reading

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