Monthly Archives: September 2012

I Fell In Love With My Pharmacist

After nearly 12 happy years with the program, I gave up my Kaiser health insurance in March because I couldn’t afford the $420 a month premium. I went to pay cash for a prescription today for fluticasone propionate nasal spray … Continue reading

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How Do Girls React To Me?

My writing teacher: “I’d love to see a girl reacting to you.” A girl who responds to me will typically hold my eye contact for an extra beat. She’ll position herself near me. She’ll smile. She’ll talk. She’ll open up … Continue reading

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On The Verge Of Something

So I had known this woman since shortly after I moved to Los Angeles in 1994. She was a fellow convert to Judaism. We often went to the same temples. She was a shy timid sort, a good girl, but … Continue reading

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When Did You Last Kiss Someone You Loved?

For me, it’s been 32 months. * A former GF would say to me: “I just want to feel full.” Such a sweet way of putting it. * I gave up my Kaiser health insurance in March because I couldn’t … Continue reading

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Secularism Breeds Boredom

On Sept. 20, 2012, Dennis Prager talked about people who only feel alive when they do extreme things such as base jumping. Otherwise, life is boring. Dennis: “Secular life breeds boredom. That doesn’t mean every secular person is bored.” “I … Continue reading

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