When Did You Last Kiss Someone You Loved?

For me, it’s been 32 months.

* A former GF would say to me: “I just want to feel full.” Such a sweet way of putting it.

* I gave up my Kaiser health insurance in March because I couldn’t afford the $420 a month premium. Went to pay cash for a prescription today for fluticasone propionate nasal spray (otherwise I can’t breathe through my nose when I lie down) and it is $70 for the generic. Used to cost me $10 thru Kaiser. And don’t even get me started on the cash price for levitra. It ought be paid for by the government.

* A friend tells me: My writing mentor gives a great assignment, one you are allowed to repeat over and over: Write about the most humiliating thing that’s happened to you.

She says all the stuff people love you for in real life, they hate you for in your writing. Ivy League degrees, successful marriage, beautiful kids, stunning career: all alienating. People want to read about your failures, humiliations, degradation.

* “It bothers most men when I pay,” Holly Randall told an interviewer, “but somehow it never bothered Luke.”

* I have been shomer brit five months. A friend says: “Jesus you are a machine! I don’t know how you abstain from wanking like that, I honestly doubt I’ve ever gone a week since I was a kid. When I was 19 I almost cut a trip to DC short because I had no privacy and was going mad from lack of wanking. Would have paid exorbitant airfare and flown 3000 miles for the privilege of wanking.”

* “Great ideas don’t necessarily make you comfortable. Go with what is charged. Go with what makes you uncomfortable.”
“When you tell the truth, the air crackles.” (Terrie Silverman)

* “Make concrete what feeds you and how you work best. What keeps you going? What inspires you? How can you give yourself more inspiration?” (Terrie Silverman)

* I didn’t serve two tours in Iraq, crawling through the muck and the blood and the desert with machine gun bullets whizzing over my head, to come home and to be told to stay quiet in shul and to date women who are “age appropriate.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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