Monthly Archives: September 2011

When Should A Religious Jew Go To Secular Court?

Yehuda emails: Background: Rabbi Norman Lamm Is no ultra-orthodox isolationist or fanatic but someone who very much believes very strongly in gaining secular education and knowledge and being part of secular culture. His views are so “moderate” that he has … Continue reading

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The Israeli-Palestinian Situation at the United Nations

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Is R. Leib Tropper In San Diego?

Simshalom emails: According to this LinkedIn: Leib Tropper may be in San Diego. Can anyone confirm this? It may also account for the pure BS positive PR bios about him on various professional networking blogs to fool the gullible … Continue reading

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Crying Over The Execution Of Troy Davis

Dennis Prager spent two hours of his radio show today on the following story. Ann Coulter writes: For decades, liberals tried persuading Americans to abolish the death penalty, using their usual argument: hysterical sobbing. Only when the media began lying … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Big Brother Kenny

Dennis Prager’s brother Kenneth is a professor of medicine at Columbia. On his show Nov. 10, 2010, Dennis said: “When I was a kid, I was very scared of monster movies. My older brother said to me, ‘Dennis, you want … Continue reading

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