Monthly Archives: September 2011

Could Chris Christie Win The Republican Nomination?

Like most Republicans, I am not thrilled with our choices for president. Rick Perry is the most right-wing but he’s a lousy debater. I hope Chris Christie gets in, even though many of his positions are not conservative, as the … Continue reading

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God Don’t Want No Fatties!

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Morgan Freeman Free To Marry Step-Granddaughter

This guy may have outdone Woody Allen in the ick department! Report: According to the Enquirer, Freeman cheated on his now ex-wife with a number of women—E’Dina being one of them—and Freeman and E’Dina’s affair began when when she was … Continue reading

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President Obama Talks Differently To Black Audiences

Barack Obama has long employed a different accent when he’s talking to blacks than when he’s talking to everyone else. The guy seems like a phony to me and a panderer. Yahoo reports: “The first job of a journalist is … Continue reading

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Do Palestinians Want Peace?

Dennis Prager writes: In the Palestinian president’s speech to the United Nations last week, this denial of Jewish history was reaffirmed. Thus, in a speech about Israel and the Palestinians, he never once uttered the word “Jew” or “Jewish.” Here … Continue reading

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