Monthly Archives: September 2011

On This Day In 2010

Luke Ford made his Alexander teacher laugh until she cried. We were doing this understated non-doing exercise. I was working with another bloke. At the end, we were supposed to share. The bloke and I grunted and said, “It was … Continue reading

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Wanting To Like Rick Perry, Mitt Romney

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “A Republican has to run philosophically. American values do not countenance big government because the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. “That is my worry about Mitt Romney. We need to … Continue reading

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Questioning Evolution

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes: New York Times columnist Paul Krugman thinks Republicans are knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. In the not-too-distant future he sees a Republican half-wit winning the presidency and dragging America back to the Stone Age. “One of these years the … Continue reading

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Single Parents Are Often Treated Like Outcasts In The Orthodox Community

Sara Soferet writes for The Jewish Press: When I moved onto the block not too many years ago, neighbors welcomed me. One brought over a cake, another came to visit Friday night, everyone was friendly and smiled, said hello on … Continue reading

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The Sickness Of Hating Israel

Stephen Steinlight emails: Hello, ALL, This letter by a non-Jewish Scottish professor of Islamic Studies is a powerful attack on the moral and intellectual idiocy of university students who vote to boycott “apartheid Israel.” This letter should be disseminated in … Continue reading

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