Monthly Archives: July 2011

Casey Anthony In Southern California

On the one hand, she’s cute and young. On the other hand, she murdered her baby. I wonder what her dating life will be like? What kind of men will want to get with her? Casey Anthony – watch … Continue reading

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A Lot Of Girls Want To Live In My World

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I Give The Shirt Off My Back For Torah Talk

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The Ballad Of Sammy

I met this bird at a Shabbat dinner at a nice Orthodox home in my neighborhood. At the time, I was a bit socially retarded during the week. So when I got an invite for Shabbos, I was a bit … Continue reading

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The Pilichowskis Are Moving To Florida

Rabbi Uri Pilichowski and his wife Aliza (formerly of Beth Jacob in Beverly Hills) have work in Florida and that’s where they’re moving.

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