Monthly Archives: April 2011

I Thought You Were Religious?

Friday. 7:30 pm. I’m at a friend’s home. The wife and kids have lit the Shabbos candles. They’re religious. He’s not so much. I sit with him on the couch and watch the Laker game. First, one kid comes over … Continue reading

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Skinny – Diana Spechler’s New Novel

On April 21, I interviewed by phone novelist Diana Spechler about her new book Skinny. In 2008, I interviewed Diana in Brentwood about her debut – Who By Fire. Luke: “Give me an overview.” Diana: “In early 2006, I decided … Continue reading

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What If Luke Were Normal?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, By this time, Luke, I think you pretty well understand that I basically like you, have been following your exploits for quite a while, I don’t hold your background against you, and you know I’ve … Continue reading

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Conversations With My Therapist

Scene one. Therapist, Buffy, pretty dark Persian female, 27, talks with bearded Orthodox Jew, 42. Therapist: “Do you want to connect with me?” Luke: “Wouldn’t that be unprofessional? You won’t even tell me if you’re Jewish. How can I connect … Continue reading

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The Pain Of Jewish Holidays

I find Sabbaths and holidays painful. They remind me of what’s missing from my life — connection. During the week, I can distract myself with many endeavors so that I never have to look in the mirror and see my … Continue reading

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