Daily Archives: January 6, 2011

NPR Eats Crow

It looks like NPR has done the right thing about its Juan Williams firing debacle. The woman who fired him has left NPR and NPR’s CEO has been reprimanded. As the British say, “You can’t get fairer than that!” I … Continue reading

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Men Not Excited By Women’s Tears

Here is truly shocking news — men tend to react to women’s tears with a decrease in libido. What amazing research! From the Washington Post: A team of Israeli researchers believes that tears, in addition to everything else they convey, … Continue reading

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A Man’s Opinions

On Dennis Prager’s show Jan. 5, Alison Armstrong said: “A man’s safety lies in his productivity, his ability to produce results. If a man is trusted and respected, he has the biggest access to productivity. You’ll bring out the worst … Continue reading

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