Monthly Archives: January 2011

Lying About The Right

Dennis Prager writes: I do not recall any major American daily attacking another major American daily the way the Wall Street Journal attacked the New York Times last week under the heading “The New York Times has crossed a moral … Continue reading

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The Danger To Orthodox Judaism Posed By Bloggers

Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz writes: A similar campaign to disparage frum Yidden in the religious Jewish media has been underway for some time. Cloaked deceptively in a religious veneer, using Yiddish names and faces, the relentless disparaging of the Torah community … Continue reading

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This Week’s Parsha (Exodus 19:1–20:23)

Watch the whole show! I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and YouTube. This week’s parsha is Yitro. * What do you think of Sarah Palin saying she was … Continue reading

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Letter From A Birmingham Jail

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “There is not a single founder of this country who did not believe in God, in providence, in God judging nations, the afterlife, that we are judged and that this country could … Continue reading

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Minnie Driver, Paul Giamatti & Dustin Hoffman in Mordecai Richler Adaptation; A Yiddish Romeo & Juliet; Gabrielle Giffords, Debbie Friedman & More

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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