Monthly Archives: September 2010

You Can Believe In God And Be An SOB

In a 2001 lecture on Numbers 22-23, Dennis Prager says: Balaam goes on with Balak’s dignitaries. Balaam tells Balak I can only say that God tells me. It is possible to believe in God and wish that God will allow … Continue reading

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I Made ‘Technology Review’

Chaim Amalek emails: What? This is a fairly high-brow title. There is a piece in the Sept Oct issue by Scott Fayner on so-called “tube” sites, bemoaning the fall in revenue due to free sites that stream content that a … Continue reading

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Illegal Immigration

From 1. Backgrounder: Birthright Citizenship in the United States: A Global Comparison 2. Video: Mark Krikorian Discusses Illegal Immigration on FOX News 3. Blog: The Uses and Abuses of the Asylum System 4. Blog: Behind the Pew Study on … Continue reading

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The Party Of Hate

From Prager H1: Why has the media given so much attention to the loony Rev in Florida who wants to have a Koran burning party? If they ignored him, he’d be a non-issue. But the media glare has made … Continue reading

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Latest Torah Talk Response

Greg Leake writes: Hi Luke, Another great session with ZZ Top and the Spaceman. The Torah Corral was a funny bit and so was the list of 10 pejorative things to say about Luke. Cruel, but amusing nonetheless. Quite a … Continue reading

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