Chaim Amalek emails: What? This is a fairly high-brow title. There is a piece in the Sept Oct issue by Scott Fayner on so-called “tube” sites, bemoaning the fall in revenue due to free sites that stream content that a proper torah Jew like the two of you ought not contemplate on any day, let alone on these days. Money shot info: in 2004 a female earned $900 per scene that now fetches $600 (males fell from $500 to $300). Fred — has the price of patent work fallen by a similar amount?
Here’s the best part, the end note: “Scott Fayner ran the poular gossip site Today he publishes a monthly online magazine dedicated to Boston dogs called Massarf.” Sort of, but so Luke Ford — forever associated with the dogs in google space. And no, I was not able to find a link to this online. Technology Review makes you pay for content.