Monthly Archives: September 2010

Dennis Prager: ‘Jews are the most religious people’

I’m listening to a 2009 lecture by Dennis Prager — Feelings: The Key to the Liberal Mind. Dennis: “Why would Jews be against gun ownership after the Holocaust? If every Jewish family in Europe had one gun, the Holocaust would … Continue reading

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Why Does The World Hate America?

Dutch novelist Leon De Winter said on Dennis Prager’s radio show this week: It’s not only hate. It’s also admiration and love and envy. It has old roots. The whole idea of America was denigrated by the European aristocracy from … Continue reading

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He sat in his car after therapy and did battle. He was parked on a hill. His wheels were swung in as the law demanded. But the damn ignition wouldn’t turn. The wheel wouldn’t turn. The automatic transmission wouldn’t turn. … Continue reading

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She Threw Acid In Her Own Face To Get Attention

I don’t find the following story hard to understand. I think it is easy to understand. People will do almost anything, including throwing acid in their own face, to get attention. Most people, including myself, grow towards attention in the … Continue reading

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Immigration News

From 1. Memorandum: The Complete Immigration Story of 9/11 Hijacker Satam al Suqami 2. Transcript and Video: Can Conservatism Survive Mass Immigration? 3. Video: FOX News coverage of ‘Gaming the Border’ 4. Blog: ‘Going Home,’ or How Restrictionists Can … Continue reading

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