Monthly Archives: March 2010

Jewish News

From Hirhurim: SALT today: link strongly considering removing comments feature: link Jewish Ideas Daily on women rabbis: link WSJ: A Synagogue’s Unorthodox Revival: link NYT: A Jewish Prayer: link Chief Rabbi Sacks wins Lamm Prize: link R. Yitzchok Adlerstein … Continue reading

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Jewish Las Vegas

Arthur J. Bloberger, the former editor of the Las Vegas Jewish Reporter, emails me: Hi Luke. I just wanted to give you an update on what’s been happening lately twixt the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and myself, it’s former … Continue reading

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Lila Says

More Al emails: So your review of Lila peaks my curiosity about the film and i go find a clip. I then leave the house to go to shul and the rabbi asks me to lead the service. I couldn’t … Continue reading

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I Tend To See The End From The Beginning


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Are Modern Orthodox Girls Just For Practice?

Heshy Fried writes on They say that shiksas are for practice but if you really think about it, Modern Orthodox Girls are for practice, at least they are when you enter the world of folks who think that marrying … Continue reading

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