Monthly Archives: March 2010

Bad Use

After yoga class one evening, I was extolling the benefits of Alexander Technique. The woman talked about how yoga imparts similar benefits — it opens up the chakras. “Maybe,” I said. “I’m not so sure. I look around in yoga … Continue reading

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Which Is The Greater Threat To Judaism?

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Technical Difficulties

Friday. 4 pm. All over my blog in the widgets section, I’m getting this: “Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘shortcode_unautop’ was given in /home/lukef0rd/ on line 166” Anyone have a suggestion? This … Continue reading

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LA Jewish Day Schools Put On Benefit For Haiti

I’m told: Yesterday, Milken, YULA, Shalhevet and the New Jewish School collaborated on a benefit concert for Haiti. YULA was not there officially, for reasons of mixed seating and kol isha (sound of a woman’s voice) but the head of … Continue reading

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