Daily Archives: November 28, 2007

Trent Lott Fallout: The Gay Escort Who Knew Too Much

From Big Head DC: Once upon a time, there was a twentysomething boy-next-door type with reddish blond hair and a brilliantly white smile. Not one to shy away from attention, he wrote a blog called “Fifteen Minutes,” and also became … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Petards

Mickey Kaus writes: Prediction: If they settle the writer’s strike, it could be bad for Hillary because Jay Leno will make Huma jokes! (Remember: Huma = comedy gold.) It certainly seems much more likely that the Huma innuendo would make … Continue reading

Posted in Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Journalism | Comments Off on Hillary’s Petards

Dem Double Standard

Greg, a Texas teacher, links the Trent-Lott-gay-hooker rumor with the story about Huma and Hillary: Sorry, folks, but you cannot have it both way. Stories like these, both of which are unsubstantiated, are either both out of bounds or both … Continue reading

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The first desi in the Oval Office?

From SepiaMutiny: Last week, after one of the candidates I was eyeing as the potential recipient of my vote made a monumental policy blunder (which made me question everything about this candidate), I started giving a closer look to another … Continue reading

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