Monthly Archives: November 2007

Gangster Jews and the bid to defy weakness

Brad A. Greenberg writes: A few weeks ago, I finished reading "Blood Relation," Eric Konigsberg’s fascinating account of the mobster life of Uncle Heshy. The author’s family was Jewish, so the murdering and racketeering of his uncle, Harold "Kayo" Konigsberg, … Continue reading

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Larry Flynt Statement on Trent Lott

Dan Savage writes: Larry Flynt just posted this ambiguous statement on his website: HUSTLER Magazine has received numerous inquiries regarding the involvement of Larry Flynt and HUSTLER in the resignation of Trent Lott. Senator Lott has been the target of … Continue reading

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Mikulski and Foley become newest congressional targets as FMA vote nears

Adrian Blue writes for the gay newspaper the Washington Blade July 9, 2004: …Not likely, say Mike Rogers and John Aravosis, the two men loosely heading an ongoing outing campaign on the Hill. As the date nears for a Senate … Continue reading

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The Outings Are Coming

Thomas Nephew writes July 7, 2004: One example from 1996: When Congress was considering the now-enacted and still-vile Defense of Marriage Act, which put the US government firmly in the camp of anti-GLBT discriminators, Sen. Barbara Mikulski(D-MD) made a speech … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Lesbian Rumors

Jim Miller writes: Would it make a difference, politically, if it were widely believed?  Probably.  But not necessarily.  When Linda Chavez tried to use Barbara Mikulski’s affair with an Australian lesbian against her in the 1986 senate election, she had … Continue reading

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