Monthly Archives: November 2007

A Lesson From Smokey

Rabbi Avi Shafran writes: Which brings us back to more recent flames, those of the unprecedented California fires – which fire-management experts have dubbed “mega-fires,” since they are ten times larger and more intense than wildfires of a mere decade … Continue reading

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Liberty, Restored

Rabbi Yitzhok Adlerstein writes: Last week’s New York Times coverage of haredi economic muscle ended on a rather sour note. Both the print story and the accompanying video clip offered the story of a young man who capitalized on his … Continue reading

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Where will Sam Zell take the struggling Tribune Company?

Connie Bruck writes in The New Yorker: Zell, who was raised in an Orthodox household and is a supporter of Israel, says that his religion has never been an issue in Abu Dhabi or in other Arab countries. “In no … Continue reading

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Surfing Rabbi: A Kabbalistic Quest for Soul By Nachum Shifren

You don’t have to be religious (most of its contents are secular) to enjoy this book about one of Pico-Robertson’s greatest characters. Rabbi Yonasson Gershom writes on Not since "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" have two more … Continue reading

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Fear Not Islamo-Fascism Nor Ahmadinejad

David Klinghoffer writes: During Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week, a Jewish friend asked me with breathless excitement, “Did you see on Little Green Footballs [a blog] how the thugs at Berkeley attacked Nonie Darwish and had to be pulled off her?” He … Continue reading

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