Daily Archives: July 30, 2007

The Orthodox Paradox

Paul Shaviv (father of blogger Miriam Shaviv and director of the Hebrew Academy of Toronto) writes about Noah Feldman’s New York Times article: 7. The question of how to handle an embarrassing ‘b’dieved” situation – as happened at the now … Continue reading

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What Ails The MSM

I write for the Los Angeles Times to KTLA reporter Eric Spillman in the last edition of our "Dust-Up": Dear Eric, I expect that in a hundred years people will look back on our dialogue as the great leap forward … Continue reading

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Bloggers Don’t Have To Fit Copy To A Limited Space

Mickey Kaus writes on Slate.com: We don’t kill no widows in these parts: Note to NYT’s Andrew Adam Newman: That’s my quote, buddy–which explains why Steven den Beste, to whom you attribute it, had those two little marks on either … Continue reading

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Rabbinical School Is Ruining My Love Life

Reform rabbinical student Jordie Gerson (who does not include a picture on her profile, though I Googled her and she’s cute, but did she wait until she landed a boyfriend before publishing this piece?) writes for Jewcy.com: Before rabbinical school, … Continue reading

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