Daily Archives: July 27, 2007

Bill Boyarsky: ‘The Mayor is cheating … on L.A.’

Boyarsky writes in the Jewish Journal: I was disappointed because he offered hope for uniting a fractious city behind some common goals important to the middle class and poor — the majority of the city’s residents, which includes many Jews … Continue reading

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Rambam’s Bunnies

Rob Eshman writes: Just after I returned from vacation, I found myself at the Playboy Mansion. I know — that sounds redundant. But I have a perfectly good explanation for going there, so good my wife almost believed it. I … Continue reading

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Why Did Adriana ‘Costa’ Change Her Name?

Dikla Kadosh blogs: "On The Lot" host Adrianna Costa is NOT Latina. She’s white…and Jewish…and grew up in the valley. According to Wikipedia, 26-year-old Adrianna’s real last name is Heber and one of the categories she’s listed under is American … Continue reading

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I Breathed The Same Air As Danielle Berrin

Surely God was in that room? Danielle blogs for the Jewish Journal: On Tuesday night, I peeled myself away from a satisfying read of Daniel Mendelsohn’s "The Lost" to satiate my appetite for community connection on a holiday. Though appropriate … Continue reading

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Does Hollywood give Jewish?

Brad A. Greenberg writes for the Jewish Journal: This is what Hollywood’s old-school Jewish philanthropy looks like: 900 Jews worried about anti-Semitism sitting inside the International Hall of the Beverly Hilton. Holocaust survivors sit side-by-side with some of entertainment’s biggest … Continue reading

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