Daily Archives: July 19, 2007

Why Must Jews Build Such Big Houses?

From The Los Angeles Times: A clash over huge new homes on average-size lots has divided Valley Village and led to an L.A. ordinance that would limit the size of houses… The proposed split has raised tempers in the community … Continue reading

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Jeff Wald Leaves KTLA

Joel Bellman writes LAObserved.com: "As long as I’ve known Jeff Wald – going back nearly 25 years now, soon after I started my own broadcasting career – he has functioned as the conscience of the business, the role model for … Continue reading

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Producer Harry Bernsen

Click here for the video from my July 18, 2007 interview. Harry was the first person I interviewed (in June 1996) for my book The Producers: Profiles In Frustration. Bernsen (hbmasquerade@yahoo.com) is producing the musical "Love According To Me", which … Continue reading

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