Monthly Archives: July 2007

Carole Meyers, 50; 1st female L.A. rabbi

From the L.A. Times: Rabbi Carole Meyers, who became the first female rabbi to lead a congregation in the Los Angeles area when she took over Temple Sinai of Glendale in 1986, has died. She was 50. Meyers died of … Continue reading

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Guess This Answers My Question About Mayor Bloomberg

From the AP: NEW YORK — Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks his mind and that is a big part of his cachet in anything-goes New York. But new details from a sexual harassment lawsuit he settled in 2000 and other racy … Continue reading

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Why Rudy Giuliani Is The Republican Front-Runner

From the Weekly Standard: Support for Giuliani boils down to two things. The first is determination to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president. Polls show Giuliani is the most competitive candidate against Clinton in a general election. The mayor contrasts … Continue reading

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Israeli “Yeshivish” Lingo

From Evasnotes: Chababneek: the short little guy who hangs around the pizza shop. Basically, a little guy who needs to know everything and get involved. Aars: The equivalent of a real California dude. Talks real slow, thinks he’s real cool, … Continue reading

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Rabbi Steven Weil Tackles Noah Feldman During His Sabbath Morning Sermon

"I couldn’t follow how his points coalesced," says my source. "So I fell asleep. But he did say that his grandparents employed Terrell Owens and helped pay his way through college. Rabbi Weil upheld Moses as the epitome of the … Continue reading

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