Monthly Archives: July 2007

Everyday Holiness

Saturday morning, I figured it would be just a one sefer service. So I walked off to shul with only Everyday Holiness by Alan Morinis in my sinful little hand. The book didn’t look too exciting but I figured it … Continue reading

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Why do the news media try to pass off the UK terrorists as ‘asians’?

Why not call them Middle Easteners or Muslims or something more exact than "asians"?

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Spoiling For A Fight: The Rise Of Eliot Spitzer

I just read this book by Brooke A. Masters and I don’t have a clue whether or not Spitzer is good for America. I can’t say I recommend the book. It’s awfully dull. I don’t understand why it got such … Continue reading

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Pico-Robertson’s Shtibl Minyan

David Suissa writes: For one thing, everyone chips in on everything. And I mean everything — they take turns leading the prayers, reading from the Torah, making commentaries on the Torah portion of the week and, of course, setting up … Continue reading

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Monty Python’s Guide To Prayer

"Let us praise God. Oh Lord, oooh you are so big. So absolutely huge. Gosh, we’re all really impressed down here I can tell you. Forgive us, O Lord, for this dreadful toadying and barefaced flattery. But you are so … Continue reading

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