Monthly Archives: July 2007

Did Villaraigosa Reward Lovers With Jobs Or Contracts?

If so, that would be a recallable/impeachable offense, notes a commenter on MayorSam. With the number of attractive young females the mayor spends quality time with, it wouldn’t surprise me that some of them got their positions on their backs.

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‘Informational vermin’ lead to LA Times closure

Tabloid Baby Burt Kearns writes: The LA Times is backtracking on the Villaraigosalinasgate scandal, with an astounding column yesterday by media columnist Tim Rutten that attacked the "informational vermin" who whip the LA Times’ lazy ass on hot city stories, … Continue reading

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Kaus: ‘More Hot Mayoral Sex’

Mickey Kaus writes on "Don’t Get Caught Again": Lone blogger Luke Ford, and not the L.A. Times, continues to be where you go go to find out what’s really happening in the Villasalinas sex scandal. Ford notes that the … Continue reading

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For Villaraigosa: Sex, lies and eyes that pry

Tim Rutten writes in the Los Angeles Times: The news of Villaraigosa’s marital difficulties was broken by a blogger, Luke Ford, then fleshed out by the Daily News, which immediately posted the story on its website. The paper’s editorial page … Continue reading

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The case for mistrusting Muslims

Theodore Dalrymple writes in The Los Angeles Times: Mistrust of Muslims in Britain has developed quite quickly and could develop much further. In my youth, I traveled extensively in the Muslim world and lived for a time in Africa with … Continue reading

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