Monthly Archives: July 2007

Sabrina Kay Statement

From Regarding the allegations being bantered about concerning myself and the Mayor, let me say most emphatically that they are completely false. I have never had a romantic relationship with anyone in City government, or any other government for … Continue reading

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Is New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg Gay?

According to Wikipedia: "Bloomberg married Yorkshire-born Susan Brown. After 19 years of marriage, they divorced in 1993. Bloomberg has dated a number of women since then; one woman he has acknowledged having dated is Diana Ross. His current girlfriend is … Continue reading

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A Dialogue With KTLA’s Eric Spillman

Eric replies to me: Luke: No attempt was made to lecture. I have no way of knowing if the Mayor had sex with anyone. I do not know if the Mayor impregnated anyone. The Mayor and Sabrina Kay could be … Continue reading

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Journalistic Ethics

John Bracken blogs: "Did Ford beat professional reporters to the story, or is he, as an amateur, able to push stories that those who subscribe to professional ethics cannot?" What professional ethics? To whom do journalists have ethical obligations? Journalists … Continue reading

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The Danger Of Blogs

Eric Spillman writes for KTLA: Blogs are useful and entertaining, but most of them do not substitute for legitimate news.  Sometimes they scoop us in the "mainstream media."  But sometimes they report gossip that turns out to be false.  Just … Continue reading

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