Monthly Archives: July 2007


I just read Paul Johnson‘s book Intellectuals for the third time. It was jolly good. I just finished Johnson’s book Creators, which I did not enjoy as much but still recommend. On page six, he wrote: "France now has more … Continue reading

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1967: Israel, the War, and the Year That Transformed the Middle East

David Margolick writes in The New York Times: Segev’s look into the origins of the occupation is invaluable. His research is prodigious, his intelligence obvious, his ability to reconstruct complex chains of events impressive. He writes clearly and confidently and … Continue reading

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Strange Meeting Friday Night About Nikki Finke

A former editor at The Los Angeles Times tells me July 14: Strange meeting last night between three writers at the LAT and 2 writers at NYT, plus an old editor at LAT. Message on the QT is being drafted … Continue reading

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Nikki Finke: ‘Mike Sitrick, Shame On You…’

Nikki blogs: I’ve known Mike Sitrick for a long time. He’s a PR maven who prides himself on being a family man. Which is why he should be filled with self-loathing for allowing his firm to promote a torture porn pic like Captivity, much … Continue reading

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Villaraigosa Jeered by Crowd at Beckham Event: See the Video

From MediaBistro: "Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa heard boos at today’s media debut of new Galaxy member David Beckham. This was an invited crowd of 5000 season ticket holders, big-wigs, press, and such." From a report quoted on MayorSam: The mayor had … Continue reading

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