Monthly Archives: June 2007

LAO: Mayor Takes Blame For Split

Kevin Roderick writes on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa knows how to draw a crowd. His news conference this morning to discuss his marriage was reportedly packed. "I take responsibility for what is happening and I feel a personal sense of … Continue reading

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West Hollywood Gay Pride Parade Sunday

Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Video Bernard Parks Video Gloria Allred Sunday was my first gay pride parade. I still don’t know what to think. I guess I’m disturbed that I wasn’t more disturbed. My days as a … Continue reading

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Rabbi Steven Weil Loses His Patience

Second day Shuvuot. Rabbi Steven Weil of Beth Jacob, not the shy retiring type, lost patience with Jay Braun who is a great baal koreh (leader of prayer) but a little too into his own singing. Even at a good … Continue reading

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Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy’s New Direction

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Nobody Deserves The Cathy Seipp Award For Courageous Writing More Than Her Nemesis Nikki Finke

A group of Cathy’s best writer friends met for dinner at Rob Long’s home Sunday evening. After we ate, Rob and Sandra Tsing Loh gathered us (Jill Stewart, Anne Thompson, Luke Thompson, Debbie Gendel, Kate Coe, Moxie, Ruth Shalit and … Continue reading

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