Monthly Archives: May 2007


Monica Osborne writes on Last night, I was out to dinner with about twenty-five other scholars of Jewish and Jewish American literature. As we waited for a table large enough to accommodate us at the Cheesecake Factory, one male … Continue reading

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Hitchens, Sharpton and Faith

From The New York Times: You could tell from the background music that played beforehand – alternating recordings of James Brown and Gregorian chant – that this was going to be an unusual debate. The question under debate (“Is God … Continue reading

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Y.U. Rabbis Talk God

One thing that surprised me when I entered Jewish life was how little Jews, even religious Jews, spoke about God. Sure, they might say "Baruch HaShem" a lot but they rarely spoke spontaneously about God. I’ve met over a dozen … Continue reading

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Evil White Men – Is There Any Other Kind?

Allison Samuels writes in her new book: Both Denise and Diahn say they’ve stripped at parties for both black and white clients and maintain the attitudes are much more different than people might expect. "When it’s a group of all … Continue reading

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Bryan Loves You

Seth Landau emails me: Just wanted to let you know what a valuable resource your is and how it specifically helped me tonight. This movie that I just completed, "Bryan Loves You", is a tough sell in a sense … Continue reading

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