Monthly Archives: February 2007

Author Jim Goad

Jim Goad’s GIGANTIC BOOK OF SEX comes out in April. “It’s entirely composed of things I’ve written for sex mags, because they are the only people who will employ an ex-con.” Jim calls Sunday night, Feb. 11: “I’m going to … Continue reading

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Free Speech And Fair Speech

Since reading Brian Doherty‘s history of libertarian thought in the U.S., I’ve gone on a libertarian reading kick. From page 114 of Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom: The counterpart to fair employment in the area where these principles have perhaps … Continue reading

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Messianic Chabadnik Ariel Sokolovsky Condemned

From STATEMENT FROM CHABAD-LUBAVITCH OF OREGON: We of Chabad-Lubavitch of Oregon were shocked to read about the beliefs of Ariel Sokolovsky in the Haaretz Newspaper. His beliefs are heretical and anathema to Torah. Ariel Sokolovsky has no position in … Continue reading

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Calling St. Augustine

Heavenly Guidance Needed Nicholas writes: …If Mr Ford can defeat his sexual demons with the help of The Great Dennis Prager, then I can defeat my need to bullshit with the help of The Saintly Augustine of Hippo! (Or maybe … Continue reading

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The Jewish Century

Chaim Amalek emails: The book is an odd thing, in that it assumes a lot of background knowledge on the part of the reader. It also meanders, and the device of framing the history of 20th Century Jewry – mainly … Continue reading

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