Monthly Archives: January 2007


From the Luke Ford Fan Blog: First Things and Luke Ford have redesigned their websites. I’m very conservative. I don’t like change. I still don’t care for the new American Thinker site. I realise that they had to make changes … Continue reading

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My Demons

From the Luke Ford Fan Blog: I could forgive Horrid Boy for porking Kitten Natividad back in 1996; afterall, this was not long after Luke’s conversion to Orthodox Judaism and he had only begun his study of the Torah values … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Praises Journalist Jack Kelly

I got my initial post wrong, thinking Prager was praising this man. According to the March 3, 2004 USA Today: Seven weeks into an examination of former USA TODAY reporter Jack Kelley‚Äôs work, a team of journalists has found strong … Continue reading

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The House Of Amalek Reacts

Chaim writes: To the changes in your web site First reaction – mazel tov. Who did this for you? It is orders of magnitude better than what you had, and does not look like the cookie cutter blogger crap … Continue reading

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Chasing Jesse Kellerman

I’ve interviewed over 50 authors and only a couple of them (Jeffrey Goldberg and Jesse Kellerman) told me to go through their publicist if I wanted to ask them questions. In both cases the publicist excuse meant only one thing … Continue reading

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