Category Archives: Danielle Berrin

Danielle Berrin Lives Large

There’s much to feast on in Danielle’s high holiday report. Here’s my favorite sentence: "There is a particular vantage point, however, from which the social aspect becomes especially manifest." Here’s my favorite paragraph: As a "shul hopper," one is not … Continue reading

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Gentlemen, Start Your Engines – Danielle Berrin Now Single!

A month ago, the Jewish Journal Calendar Girl wrote about her relationship with a rabbi (the bloke who leads the twice monthly Friday night service at Ikar). Shortly thereafter, the Jewish people’s brightest hope for the future broke up over … Continue reading

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Putting Michal Taviv In A Box

I’m collecting Danielle Berrin’s greatest hits. Here’s her lead for a story on the administrator of JConnectLA: "Just try to put Michal Taviv in a box — she won’t fit." Your honor, I object. Michal is not obese. There are … Continue reading

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Danielle Berrin Goes Out On A Limb

In the latest issue of the Jewish Journal, she writes about blacks and Jews: "Even while certain members of each community suggest a diminishing relationship among blacks and Jews, the foundation’s ability to attract high-powered Hollywood to support its mission … Continue reading

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Who’s Editing Danielle Berrin?

Somebody is asleep at the wheel of the Jewish Journal. Don’t they ever edit their writers? I like Danielle Berrin. She’s really hot. But she badly needs a strong disciplinary hand. I find myself paging through the Jewish Journal these … Continue reading

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