Category Archives: Torah

This Week’s Torah Portion Is Bamidbar

We’re beginning the book of Numbers this Sabbath. Steve Brizel writes for Hirhurim: The Themes of Sefer Bamidbar R. Berel Wein reminds us that one of the key elements of Bamidar is how people, their attitudes and actions played a … Continue reading

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Don’t Take Revenge

I’m studying Sefer HaChinuch — a 14th Century working enumerating all the mitzvas in the Torah — with a rabbi. Today we studied the mitzva of not taking revenge. If someone does something bad to me, I want to hurt … Continue reading

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On Being Controversial

Rabbi Alan Yuter writes: Religious Jews speak about Jewish education, Torah commitment and the commandments. The culture of religious Jews and the culture commanded by the sacred library of Judaism are often very different. While Jewish education gives lip service … Continue reading

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‘The Torah’s Antipathy To Equality’

Dennis Prager was asked to contribute to a men’s commentary on the Torah. His essay is on the Torah’s antipathy to equality. For instance, the doctrine of choseness (that the Jews are God’s chosen people) is contrary to equality. Listen … Continue reading

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‘Consider The Ordeal Of The Moral Leader’

Reading "Moses as Political Leader" today, I was struck by these paragraphs on page 11 and their message for my life: Consider the ordeal of the moral leader. People of conscience (for example, Moses at the burning bush) often wonder … Continue reading

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