Category Archives: Torah

Torah Talk With Joey & Monica

Here are some highlights from our Sept. 25 discussion of Torah portions Nitzavim and Vayeilich. Watch the whole thing here. Here’s a disjointed and partial transcript of the parts I found most interesting: Luke: "Don’t get creeped out because Joey … Continue reading

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Torah Talk With Monica, Joey Kurtzman Friday Afternoon

We’ll be live on cam around 2 pm Friday discussing Shabbat’s Torah section. I email Monica, Joey: "I can’t think of any two people who are more in need of studying God’s word with me this Friday…" Joey responds: "Luke, … Continue reading

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Arguments About The Documentary Hypothesis

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student blogs: I’ve seen it mentioned in a few places that the strongest arguments for the Documentary Hypothesis can be found in Richard Elliott Friedman’s introduction to his book, The Bible With Sources Revealed. I thought I … Continue reading

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New Torah

Rabbi Gil Students writes: Meorot Journal 7:1, September 2008/Tishrei 5769 (link) Introduction to the Tishrei 5769 Edition by Dr. Eugene Korn "Dat Ha-Emet" in Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah by R. Chaim Rapoport Maimonides’ "True Religion": For Jews or All Humanity? A … Continue reading

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Luke Ford, Joey Kurtzman Discuss Torah Portions Nitzavim & Vayeilech VIII

Full discussion here:

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