Category Archives: Torah

Using Torah For Secular Songs

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student blogs: The Forward has an article about a recent trend of mainstream Israeli singers using passages from the Bible and other religious texts in songs (link). While it is not clear to me how much of … Continue reading

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Redefining Marriage

Rabbi Gil Student blogs: "R. Yair Hoffman explains his opposition to the redefinition of marriage (link). If you ask me, I’d say that we should make civil unions that have all the rights of marriage but not the name, so … Continue reading

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The Torah Is A Great Guide For Finding Balance In Life

One of the things that I love about a Torah life is the guidance you get. You get time allocated to holy things and to being social and to study and most of the rest is devoted to work. I … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion – Emor 5769

Steve Brizel writes: Kedushas Kehunah and Kedushas Am Yisrael R. Aharon Lichtenstein explains why non-Kohanim can and should emulate the Kohen in our everyday lives: link R. Yisocher Frand illustrates why the Halachos of Tumas Kohanim, even for a minor, … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion Acharei Mos-Kedoshim 5769

Steve Brizel writes: Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaHatzmaut Esther Wachsman describes the sense of unity generated for the safe return of Nachshon Wachsman, HaShem Yimkam Damo, z"l: link R. Dovid Miller and R. Ezra Schwartz examine the connection between Yom … Continue reading

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