Category Archives: Torah

Yisroel Pensack: Some Thoughts on the Sentencing Hearing of Sholom Rubashkin

A sentencing hearing in the financial fraud case of former Agriprocessors kosher slaughterhouse manager and Lubavitcher chassid Sholom Rubashkin is scheduled to begin tomorrow (Wednesday) in federal court in Iowa. There is a concept in Judaism that each Shabbat “blesses,” … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion

Steve Brizel collects: Joseph and His Brothers R Berel Wein contrasts Joseph and his brothers as reflecting the visions of dreamer and realists: link R Yissocher Frand explores the tensions between Joseph and his brothers: link R Moshe Lichtenstein explains … Continue reading

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The Torah As Protest

Rabbi Gil Student writes: In R. Chaim Navon’s recent book Genesis and Jewish Thought (pp. 59-63), he notes that there are striking similarities and differences between the Torah’s creation story and that found in various ancient Near Eastern texts. His … Continue reading

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Financially Supporting Your Man So He Can Study Torah All Day

Yeed comments: If it was an equal relationship, you would find many such arrangements. In actual fact, you virtually never find such a relationship. (And if the Zevulun would be required to literaly give half of his earnings, then you … Continue reading

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‘The Indefatigable Menachem Butler’

Those are Dr. Marc Shapiro’s words. Pini Dunner posts: "From ‘’ : ‘indefatigable – incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring; tireless; inexhaustible; persevering’. Never has there been a more apt definition of Menachem Butler, who indefatigably … Continue reading

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