Category Archives: Torah

Three Reasons For Not Asking For Reasons For Jewish Law

In his 2000 lecture on Numbers 19, Dennis Prager says that this is the area where he most differs with the tradition. I do not believe that there are any laws we can not understand. The traditional interpretation is that … Continue reading

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The Red Heifer Ritual

In his 2001 lecture on Numbers 19, Dennis Prager says that he believes all the Torah’s laws are understandable, including the inscrutable ritual of the Red Heifer. Every ritual conveys a value. A salt covenant represents an unbreakable covenant. Your … Continue reading

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God Hates Sodomy

This week’s Torah portion is Haazinu (the end of Deuteronomy). On Torah Talk, Rabbi Rabbs discusses Rosh Hashanah, the parsha, and the Ten Commandments of Luke Ford: * You shall laugh at Christianity, and compare believing in Jesus to believing … Continue reading

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God: A Biography

I loved this book by Jack Miles and read it twice. Dennis Prager, however, was not a fan. Numbers 14: 11-12 says: “The LORD said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they … Continue reading

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How Do You Keep God Alive In Your Life?

In his 1999 lecture on Exodus 34, Dennis Prager says: The Torah says you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread. This is how you keep faith in God, by observing regular rituals. If you don’t observe regular rituals, you … Continue reading

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