Category Archives: Satire

The 12 Steps To Recovery From Bad Use

Hi, I’m Luke. I’m an addict to clenching and pulling down. F.M. Alexander, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change about my use, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know … Continue reading

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No Jeggings

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

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Luke Ford Torah Study Doll Hits 10,000 Units Sold!

Shomerica, America’s number one company for products for the Orthodx Jewish Shomer community is pleased to announce it has shipped 10,000 units of its Luke Ford Torah Study Companion Doll. “Our demographic research showed that many Shomer Jews sought Torah … Continue reading

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She Shuckled All Night Long

Hat tip to Frum Satire: The lyrics are below: The Alte Rockers: Purim 2009: Parody of AC/DC – You Shook Me All Night Long You Shuckled (AC/Rashi, Jews in Black Hats) She was a text machine She studied kiddushin She … Continue reading

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Videos featuring lewd jokes and anti-gay slurs were produced on Torah Talk

Luke Ford, the self-proclaimed “Moral Leader” since 1997, apparently created, produced and starred in the short movies, which were broadcast to entertain the world’s starving for Torah. In one scene, two female rabbis stand in a shower stall aboard an … Continue reading

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