Category Archives: Israel

Israelis Ignore General Assembly Of Jewish Federations

From The Jerusalem Post: All but ignored by the Hebrew-speaking press as they gathered in Jerusalem this week, American Jewish professionals and activists have lashed out at the Israeli media and society for failing to notice – and learn from … Continue reading

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America Vs. Israel

I’m reading a terrific book by Danit Brown — Ask for a Convertible. Here’s an excerpt from page 35 (about a couple from Israel, he’s originally American, who’ve moved to Michigan): "Everyone’s so happy here," Efrat told him on their … Continue reading

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Will Obama Be Good For Israel?

Bruce Epstein writes: "You paint Jewish opposition to Obama as having “little to do with his policies or his political ability”. You are correct that this opposition is not based on Obama’s policies, since he has never done anything. Therefore, … Continue reading

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Will Barack Obama Be Good For Israel?

Brad A. Greenberg writes: It’s fitting that Omri Ceren is just a dissertation away from having a doctorate in communication. The author of Mere Rhetoric—a blog popular with Republican Jews that deals mainly with American foreign policy, Israel and anti-Semitism … Continue reading

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No Wonder Obama Thanked The News Media For ‘Gracious’ Coverage

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: Senator Barack Obama owes the mainstream media (MSN) credit for a big assist in his election victory. And the U.S. media will, in turn, owe a round of applause to the Israeli media for its pioneering efforts … Continue reading

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