Category Archives: Israel

Jews Love Life

Jeffrey Goldberg writes in the New York Times about this new book by leftist Israeli academic Benny Morris: Morris’s gloom sometimes leads him to inflammatory conclusions. He recently suggested to an Israeli journalist that perhaps Ben-Gurion “should have done a … Continue reading

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Nuke Iran

Joe emails: I have to laugh at the new linkage to get the Palestinians their own state, namely the idea that only if Israel offers that up will the moderate arab states unite against Iran and its nuclear program. There … Continue reading

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The Sapphic Secrets

I just watched the DVD Ha-Sodot aka The Secrets. It’s exquisite. The young females in it are so fine, so spiritually fine. The protagonist (played by Ania Bukstein) has a full bosom and a strict devotion to Orthodox Judaism. She … Continue reading

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Should The U.S. Support An Israeli Attack On Iran?

Joe emails: The Israeli attack on Iran is not just a bombing raid. It is a test (or rather a quest) of western civilization. The combination of nuclear weapons in the hands of a government whose worldview is as medieval … Continue reading

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Anti-Zionist Orthodox Rabbi Speaks In Oxford

I think it is disgusting when Jews try to shut down speeches by anti-Zionists. It only makes us look bad. It does no good. Let a thousand flowers bloom. From the Oxford Mail: More than 60 people attended a talk … Continue reading

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