Category Archives: Israel

The Role Of Women In Orthodox Judaism

In his second class on Rabbi Ben Zion Uziel for Torah in Motion, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro says: Rav Kook opposed women voting. He says the role of the woman is not to be in the public sphere. The Mercaz … Continue reading

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The Case For Jewish Settlements

Yisrael Medad writes in the Los Angeles Times: No one, including a president of the United States of America, can presume to tell me, a Jew, that I cannot live in the area of my national homeland. That’s one of … Continue reading

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Time To Start Worrying Over Obama’s Israel Policy

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes for The Jewish Press: President Obama’s long-awaited speech in Cairo on U.S.-Muslim relations met expectations. It was passionately read and delivered (except for one stumble: calling a "hijab" a "hajib," an understandable error), touched all the … Continue reading

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The Religious Zionist Approach To Jewish Law

Rabbi Gil Student writes: When I look at the halakhic writings that have emerged from the Religious Zionist sector in Israel, I am sometimes highly uncomfortable. In a recently published Orthodox Forum book, Religious Zionism Post Disengagement: Future Directions, there … Continue reading

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Obama Hate In Jerusalem

From the Jerusalem Post: A new video posted on the Internet featuring inebriated American Jewish youth in a Jerusalem bar spouting hate-filled sentiments has garnered massive exposure and caused a firestorm in the media and the Jewish world. In the … Continue reading

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